ETANIC Journal Of English Language Teaching And Applied Linguistics en-US (Yulia Rizki Ramadhani) (Muhammad Noor Hasan Siregar) Thu, 01 Feb 2024 19:51:01 +0700 OJS 60 Challenges in Understanding Descriptive Texts Among Eighth-Grade Students at MTs Swasta Darul Akhiroh, Bonan Dolok <p>This study investigates the challenges eighth-grade students face in comprehending descriptive English texts at MTs Swasta Darul Akhiroh, Bonan Dolok, during the first semester of the 2022-2023 academic year. The research specifically examines internal and external factors influencing reading comprehension skills among a sample of 30 students. Employing a qualitative research methodology with a descriptive approach, the study utilizes cluster sampling to select the entire class as the research sample. Data collection instruments include questionnaires to assess the classroom environment and students' attitudes towards reading English texts, alongside tests designed to evaluate students' proficiency in various aspects of reading comprehension such as identifying main ideas, supporting details, vocabulary context, and answering detailed questions. The findings reveal significant difficulties in reading comprehension among the students, attributed to a lack of vocabulary, the length of texts, and a general disinterest in engaging with the reading material actively. Test results indicate particular weaknesses in answering detailed questions, with only 27.7% of students performing satisfactorily in this area. This highlights a critical area for intervention, suggesting a need for targeted strategies to enhance students' reading skills and overall engagement with English texts.</p> Summi Pratiwi, Maharani, Lisa Fitri Meidipa Copyright (c) 2024 Summi Pratiwi, Maharani, Lisa Fitri Meidipa Thu, 01 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Flashcards as a Tool for Vocabulary Enhancement: A Study on Tenth Grade Students at SMA Negeri 1 Padang Bolak Julu <p>This study aims to investigate the effect of using flashcards in vocabulary teaching on improving students' vocabulary acquisition at SMA Negeri 1 Padang Bolak Julu. The method used was classroom action research which consisted of two cycles. The data collection instruments were pre-test, post-test cycle 1 and post-test cycle 2 along with observation and interview. The data were statistically analyzed by calculating the mean and percentage increase in students' scores. The results showed that the use of flashcards was effective in improving students' vocabulary mastery. The average score of the students increased from 43.67 in the pre-test to 82.5 in the second cycle post-test. The percentage of score increase from the pre-test to the second cycle post-test was 88.9%. In addition, 83.33% of the students successfully achieved the minimum criteria (KKM) at the end of the second cycle. The results of this study support the hypothesis that the use of flashcards has a significant positive impact on vocabulary learning.</p> Sinta Nuria Ritonga, Siti Meutia Sari, Tinur Rahmawati Harahap, Mahrani Copyright (c) 2024 Sinta Nuria Ritonga, Siti Meutia Sari, Tinur Rahmawati Harahap, Mahrani Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Enhancing Speaking Proficiency through TikTok Duet Interactions among Eighth Grade at SMP Negeri 4 Padangsimpuan <p>This research aims to explore an innovative approach to improve the language skills of eighth grade students using the duet feature of the TikTok application.This research applies a quantitative methodology to evaluate the effectiveness of using video conversations on TikTok in educational settings. The study involved 30 students from SMP Negeri 4 Padangsimpuan as the research sample. Data collection was conducted by providing students with a conversational text containing over 20 vocabulary items, followed by documenting their performance scores. These scores were then subjected to statistical analysis to evaluate the impact of the TikTok duet feature on the students' speaking ability. The results showed a significant fluctuation in the students' speaking ability, with an initial average pre-test score of 59.83 dropping to 34.16 in the first post-test. This decrease suggested a temporary decline in speaking skills. However, subsequent educational interventions, including debriefing and targeted speaking practice, resulted in significant improvement, as evidenced by an average score of 82.5 on the second post-test. Analysis revealed a significant increase of 37.89% in speaking ability from the pre-test to the second post-test, despite the initial decline.</p> Mei Suhardo Hutabarat, Rini Kesuma Siregar, Nursaima Harahap Copyright (c) 2024 Mei Suhardo Hutabarat, Rini Kesuma Siregar, Nursaima Harahap Wed, 07 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Impact of Lyrical Poetry on Student Vocabulary Acquisition <p>In this research is carried out in order to know about how far the effectiveness of using lyrical poem in improving students’ vocabulary at the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 1 Angkola Barat is. And in this research the writer applies the total random research. The number of sample in this research is consist of 36 students. The method used in this study was a quantitative method. In collecting the data, the writer administered pre-test, post-test and questionnaire which consists of 25 questions of pre &amp; post-test and 8 question of questionnaire. After administering test and questionnaire to the sample of study, then the writer documented the students’ score. Then the writer calculated it with the score using SPSS v.22. In analyzing the data, the writer used SPSS v.22. After analyzing the data in SPSS v.22, it has been got that the average mean before treatment (Pre-Test) is 53.22, the average mean after treatment (Post-Test) is 89.56, the average mean before treatment (Pre-Questionnaire) is 24.92 and the average mean after treatment (Post-Questionnaire) is 30.44. After got the average mean, the writer used SPSS v.22 again to analyze how far the improving students’ vocabulary, it has been got that percentage improving students’ vocabulary is 68.28%. It mean that There is a significant improvement of the students’ vocabulary at the eleventh grade students’ of SMA Negeri 1 Angkola Barat. And the hypothesis of this research is accepted.</p> Erni Rawati Sibuea, Parlindungan Siregar, Johannes Sembiring Copyright (c) 2024 Erni Sibuea, Parlindungan Siregar, Johannes Sembiring Tue, 13 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Impact of Project-Based Learning on Collaborative and Critical Thinking Skills of Students in Translation Course <p>This study investigates the effectiveness of project-based learning (PjBL) in translation education, focusing on the development of students' collaborative and critical thinking skills. Using a quasi-experimental design, the research examines how engagement in real-world translation projects influences students' active learning, integration of theory and practice, and overall engagement in the learning process. Key findings indicate that PjBL significantly increases student participation, fosters the application of theoretical knowledge in practical settings, and improves essential professional skills such as teamwork and decision-making. The research contributes to the field of translation learning by highlighting the potential of PjBL as an innovative and effective teaching strategy. It emphasizes the importance of designing and implementing project-based activities that enrich students' learning experiences and prepare them for the complexities of professional translation work. However, the study acknowledges certain limitations, including its limited focus on a single educational context, which may affect the generalizability of the findings. Future research directions are suggested, including exploring the impact of PjBL in different educational settings and assessing its long-term effects on students' career readiness and professional development.</p> Elissa Evawani Tambunan, Yulia Rizki Ramadhani, Bismar Sibuea Copyright (c) 2024 Elissa Evawani Tambunan, Yulia Rizki Ramadhani, Bismar Sibuea Fri, 16 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700