The Influence Of Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique On Student Learning Outcomes
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immediate feedback, learning outcome, assessment techniqueAbstrak
This study is conducted to analyze feedback on English learning outcomes empirically. This study uses one class as a research subject by referring to the One Group Pretest-Posttest Design research design. The population in this study were all VII grade students at SMP Negeri 3 Padangsidimpuan. The sample selection uses the purposive sampling technique. In this study, data was collected through quantitative data, namely student test scores. All the data collected will be accounted by using SPSS 26.0 program in this case, was paired sample t-test.
After completing this research, the writer found that giving immediate feedback in teaching English effectively improves students' learning outcomes. Based on the research results, it is expected that the teacher and subsequent researchers can apply learning by providing positive feedback as an alternative to learning English in school because positive feedback can increase student motivation so that student learning outcomes are better.
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Cara Mengutip
Hak Cipta (c) 2022 Elissa Evawani Tambunan, Yuswin Harputra, Yulia Rizki Ramadhani, Dedi Zulkarnain Pulungan

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